
In order to ensure that its activity is conducted in accordance with the values of Integrity and Excellence, AimtoInvest Capital Partners, SGOIC, S.A. provides its employees and other stakeholders with independent and anonymous channels for reporting any circumstance, fact or behaviour of which they are aware (even if there is only a suspicion and provided that this is reasonable and well-founded) that it constitutes the practice of an irregularity (illegal, illicit, and fraudulent activities).

The Whistleblowing reporting channels provided by AimtoInvest Capital Partners,SGOIC, S.A. allow the participation/reporting of irregularities, which must/can be submitted at any time through the following:

- Email to  irregularidades@aimtoinvest.com
- Registered post with acknowledgement of receipt, addressed to the Compliance Department to: Rua Cova da Moura, n.º 2 4.º esquerdo 1350-117 Lisboa

The rules for receiving, registering, processing, following up, and storing reports of irregularities received at AimtoInvest Capital Partners, SGOIC, S.A. are setout in the Whistleblowing Policy.